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Delivering Exceptional Dentistry with Sustainable Solutions gentle high quality affordable dental care.

When is oral surgery necessary?

Rousso Medical Center’s team of highly trained dental professionals provide in-office oral surgery for the

convenience of their patients. You may need oral surgery for:

  • Impacted wisdom teeth
  • Decayed teeth
  • Fractured teeth
  • Dental implants
  • Root canals
  • Jaw problems like temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders
  • To prepare for implant-supported dentures
  • Severe snoring or sleep apnea

Oral surgery can correct many different dental problems and help you have a healthier mouth.

  • Bone Grafting
  • Tooth Extraction
  • Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Bone Grafting

Bone grafting can repair implant sites with inadequate bone structure due to previous extractions, gum disease, or injuries. Bone grafting is a dental procedure that involves transplanting bone tissue to support new bone growth. This procedure is commonly used in dentistry to prepare a patient’s jaw bone for dental implants, or to repair bone loss caused by gum disease or injury.

Why is bone grafting needed for dental implants?

Bone grafting is often necessary to create a solid foundation for dental implants. Without enough bone density in the jaw, the implant may not be secure and may fail over time.

Is bone grafting painful?

Bone grafting is typically performed under local anesthesia, so the patient does not feel any pain during the procedure. Some discomfort and swelling may occur after the procedure, but this can usually be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers.

How long does it take to recover from bone grafting?

The recovery time after bone grafting can vary depending on the extent of the procedure and the patient’s overall health. In general, patients can expect to experience some discomfort and swelling for a few days after the procedure, but most can return to normal activities within a week or two.

Tooth Extraction

There are a few reasons why a tooth removal may be necessary. Decay, disease, overcrowding, poor placement, or breakage are all conditions in which tooth extraction may be required. Our team is skilled in performing tooth extractions with minimal discomfort to our patients, and we offer a variety of options for replacement teeth if needed.

What is a tooth extraction?

A tooth extraction is the removal of a tooth from its socket in the bone. This procedure is performed by a dentist or oral surgeon and may be necessary to address dental issues such as severe decay, infection, overcrowding, or damage.

Is a tooth extraction painful?

While tooth extractions are typically performed under local anesthesia to minimize discomfort, some pain and discomfort can be expected during the healing process. However, our team at Rousso Medical Center will provide you with instructions on how to manage any discomfort and pain after the procedure.

How long does it take to recover from a tooth extraction?

Recovery time varies depending on the individual and the complexity of the extraction. However, most patients can expect to fully recover within one to two weeks.

What are the risks of tooth extraction?

While tooth extraction is a safe and routine procedure, there are some risks involved, including infection, bleeding, nerve damage, and jaw fracture. However, these risks are rare and can be minimized by choosing an experienced and qualified dentist or oral surgeon like those at Rousso Medical Center.

Can I eat after a tooth extraction?

It is recommended to wait 2 hours after the treatment before attempting to eat anything. Afterward, it is best to stick to soft foods and avoid hot or spicy foods for the first few days. Our team at Rousso Medical Center will provide you with a detailed list of recommended foods to eat and avoid during the recovery process.

How much does a tooth extraction cost?

The cost of a tooth extraction varies depending on the complexity of the procedure and whether or not sedation is required. At Rousso Medical Center, we provide transparent pricing and will work with you to determine the best payment options for your needs.

Can I replace an extracted tooth?

Yes, there are several options for replacing an extracted tooth, including dental implants, bridges, and dentures. Our team at Rousso Medical Center can provide you with detailed information on each option and help you decide which is best for you.

What should I do if I have a dental emergency?

If you have a dental emergency, such as severe pain, bleeding, or swelling, contact Rousso Medical Center immediately. Our team is available to provide emergency dental care and help you get the treatment you need as soon as possible.

Wisdom Tooth Extraction

What are wisdom teeth?

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, are the last set of teeth to develop in the back of your mouth. They usually appear between the ages of 17 and 25, but not everyone develops them. Impacted or crowded wisdom teeth can lead to a variety of complications. Wisdom tooth removal can either be proactive with the goal of preventing complications or to treat pain and infection.

You may need a wisdom tooth extraction if:

  • There is inadequate space for the tooth to erupt
  • The wisdom tooth is pressing into neighboring teeth
  • You have an infection or decay associated with that tooth
  • You’re in pain or experiencing facial swelling
  • The wisdom teeth are causing crowding or tooth misalignment

Planning Your Wisdom Tooth Extraction

The first step in planning a wisdom tooth extraction is to reserve an exam with one of our oral surgeons. We’ll take a special 3D CBCT scan or full-mouth X-ray to evaluate your wisdom tooth positioning, anatomy, and surrounding structures. If tooth removal is in your best interest, our dental surgeons will explain the process and plan the extraction and sedation options if required. Working together as a team, we’re able to assure an efficient care process that puts you and your family first. If you or your teen need to have your wisdom teeth extracted, contact us to reserve an exam.

Why do I need my wisdom teeth extracted?

Wisdom teeth can cause a variety of problems, such as overcrowding, misalignment, impaction, infection, and decay. In some cases, they may not cause any issues and can remain in place, but in many cases, they need to be removed to prevent complications.

How long does it take to recover from a tooth extraction?

Recovery time varies depending on the individual and the complexity of the extraction. However, most patients can expect to fully recover within one to two weeks. Our team at Rousso Medical Center will provide you with instructions on how to care for the extraction site to promote faster healing.

Why choose Rousso Medical Center for your wisdom tooth extraction?

At Rousso Medical Center, we prioritize your comfort and safety above all else. Our team has extensive experience performing wisdom tooth extractions and will provide you with the highest level of care before, during, and after the procedure. We also utilize the latest technology and techniques to ensure the best possible outcome for our patients.

Our success is driven by word-of-mouth referrals and long-lasting client relationships.

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